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  • 11 May 2017 13:13
    Reply # 4827649 on 4764671

    My name is Timothy Easton and I am the owner of Castle Defense 360 Security Consulting and Protection Services, LLC, based in Lebanon, Missouri. We are a certified Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business. We have a capabilities statement and resumes to provide upon request. We have a LinkedIn company page as well as a personal profile. 

    I am writing in regards to the safety and security of our state and our country as a whole and to introduce my company. I would like to discuss possible state contracting opportunities in order to do our part in securing our citizens, infrastructure and our nation. We are registered to bid on all federal government contracts as well as State government contracts in 15 different states but we will go where we are needed and requested. With your support, I know my company will grow and become an integral part of our security. 

    With the ever evolving threats and recent increase in terrorist and criminal activity, the safety and security of our nation and its citizens is in jeopardy. We are dedicated to doing our part in protecting our freedoms and our way of life.

    The company was established due in part to the increase in criminal and terrorist activity. We believe in the absolute essential need for security solutions that provide services far beyond the traditional security guard and other security related service. We provide a service that is rare in the industry, full spectrum solutions that provide protection using a 360-degree approach, protecting you from the street and beyond.

    We only employ top quality and knowledgeable security professionals who are highly trained, dedicated and passionate to do their part in the defense of our nation and its citizens. Nobody is exempt from crime and terrorism and there is an inherent need for the types of services that we provide. Our team of professional and dedicated security specialists are highly trained in a variety of skill sets from military and law enforcement backgrounds. We know the value of discretion, determination, dedication and customer satisfaction. Client safety and security is our top priority and we work with this mindset in every aspect of our duties.

    Our security solutions are in depth, relevant to current threats and are cost efficient. All of our services are available to residential and commercial clientele as well as Federal, Local and State government agencies with key focus on infrastructure related businesses and agencies.

    Thank you for your time and attention and we hope to hear from you soon. Feel free to review our website at

  • 02 May 2017 21:09
    Reply # 4809853 on 4764671
    Albert Renteria (Administrator)

    Tim and Amos, great conversation. We will market all of our opps4vets members so that you don't find yourself buying a membership that should be free to our Veterans for our service to country. 

    Hold off any of those types of expenses and when you contemplate them let me know first.

    We just added a search for all of our members it is America's #1 Choice and all chambers should buy our ads and we will pledge $100 of that sale to our free access to capital. So let's reverse engineer the current process.

    We will get there and as we continue to develop opps4vets for our members success it will always be free for life! 

    Semper Fi, Al

  • 02 May 2017 18:10
    Reply # 4809667 on 4764671

    Amos, thank you again for your support and for your words of encouragement. I have tried various chambers of commerce but I just don't have the budget for it, that is what a portion of this money will be going for but it is low on the list of priorities. I have offered training for a local chamber but they were not receptive and the cost to join that one is $200. I have been working with another one abut 20 minutes from me and they are promoting my events and business on the note that I will be joining their chamber in the near future cost is $100 so relatively low but still out of my reach for now. If you take a look at my LinkedIn profile, LinkedIn company page and the website, what we do, whom we offer our services to, what is entailed in each service, and who I am is clearly laid out. I will gladly send you a follow up email with more key information and some marketing materials.  Also, if you connect with me on LinkedIn, I have written many articles regarding my industry, feel free to connect and browse.

  • 27 Apr 2017 20:53
    Reply # 4789265 on 4764671


    Best of luck. Be interested in what you are up to and to learn the story of how you aim for and achieve success. Wish I knew more about your business and plans for forward progress. I'd say don't overlook your local chamber of commerce as a way to network and potentially uncover business opportunities in your local area.



  • 20 Apr 2017 05:45
    Reply # 4765334 on 4764671

    Al, thank you so very much for your generous pledge to get the ball rolling. I cannot begin to express my gratitude. This will be the pushing off point for the success of Castle Defense 360 in pursuit of continuing to protect and defend our great country and its citizens.

  • 19 Apr 2017 21:03
    Message # 4764671
    Albert Renteria (Administrator)

    It is an honor and privilege to have the means and resources to deploy opps4vets and provide a means for those that have endured the painstaking process to secure the VA CVE vetting process, I consider that our second rites of passage. 

    It is my vision to continue to design and deploy opps4vets as our self-funding tool to ensure we leave no one behind. It takes Courage, Valor and Experience to consider starting your own business. It comes with many risks and challenges and the greatest demand to access affordable working capital to maintain financial stability with the intent to secure contracts by connecting and result in job creation.

    This is our beginning and first FragO and introduction to ALVET 1-17. In concert with the Marine Corps FragO template, below is our five paragraph order compose by fellow opps4vets member Castle Defense LLC. 

     Situation – Castle Defense is in need of working capital to keep a good bank account balance to show financial stability to the entities requesting their types of services, cover everyday operational costs and hire at least one person to help with marketing. This will also help them be more competitive while bidding on government contracts. This working capital is a requirement to purchase equipment, licensing, professional certifications and offset financial shortfalls and will allow them to continue to conduct daily operations for opps4vets member Timothy Easton profile link

    Mission – Deploy a call to action to fellow opps4vets members to pledge funds to support the working capital requirement of $10,000 in support of the situation. This is going to support a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business, trying to get a foothold in the security industry.

    Execution – Deploy FragO 1-17 with the intent to achieve mission in two phases. Phase I, secure $5,000 in pledges by May 1, 2017. Phase II, secure $5,000 in additional pledges by June 1, 2017. Phase I and II ENDEX June 30, 2017. Once funding is received, it will be immediately utilized to cover insurance, resolve outstanding balances, build a business bank account balance hire more staff and register for upcoming networking events.  

    Administration & Logistics – Track and account for all pledges and fund disbursements using the Carol A. Grice Trust Fund and annotate the profile of a contributing opps4vets member to document amount contributed and date of amount paid back. Produce a process and timeline that is met and clearly on how funds are paid back and in what amount and increments. As the funds are being used, an itemized list of funds will be produced and shared with contributors. Castle Defense has agreed to have all funds paid back within a year and will begin to pay it back in $50 increments starting on July 1, 2017, sooner if other funds become available. The priority of payback will be the FIFO rule first in first out. Castle Defense LLC will make all payments to the Carol A. Grice Trust fund and opps4vets will have the responsibility to pay everyone back with the payments made by Castle Defense.

    Communication and Signal – The opps4vets platform is the primary source communication and logistics to receive, disburse and pay back all funds. There are no fees except for credit card merchant fees and will be deducted from the contribution. For example, depending on type of credit card, the typical merchant fee is 3% plus 30 cent per transaction. A $20 contribution will look like this after merchant fees $19.10; however, $20 will be paid back. The communication will be posted on the opps4vets ALVET forum for all members to view and track and to ask questions and provide feedback.

    4. The intent of this communication is to introduce a self funding means for our community. Working capital programs have a minimal 5% use fee opps4vets does not assess any fees. As a community of CVE verified members, we represent Courage, Valor and Experience™ and our actions will be witnessed by many as we define the true meaning of a Band of Brothers and Sisters. 

    5. We must be willing to cross the line together so that each and everyone of us refuse to fail and define our trust in each other. Service never ends for Veterans. Semper Fi, Albert R. Renteria, CWO-4 USMC RETIRED, opps4vets founder.

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